Almost all women who become pregnant will end up with stretch marks due to their weight gain while carrying the child to term. These marks will look like little red, uneven stripes. As they heal, they will either turn white or almost silvery and may appear less noticeable. The most typical areas for women to get stretch marks during pregnancy is the stomach, breasts, buttocks, hips, and the inner thighs. The reason for this is due to the fact the skin has stretched beyond its limit.

When do stretch marks on the inner thigh area begin to appear?

How to Treat Stretch Marks on the Inner Thighs During PregnancyAs a woman approaches the seventh month mark of her pregnancy, she may begin to notice her inner thighs getting stretch marks. As the baby grows, the skin expands and the weight of unborn child will pull down on skin and cause the skin to lose its elasticity.

If you happen to gain weight very quickly or are carrying more than one child, you increase your chances of getting stretch marks. Another factor you have to consider is whether or not stretch marks run in your family.

If you observe other family members and see they have stretch marks, regardless of what type or size their body is, you are very likely to get them as well. Studies have shown that women who have mothers and sisters who developed stretch marks while pregnant will be more susceptible.

How do stretch marks heal?

When you initially get stretch marks, the skin may look irritated and red. For some people, the marks might even look purple or a brownish color. It can seem very noticeable but you have to remember that your stretch marks will fade. As the tissue heals and repairs itself, the stretch marks can fade in color and will look less noticeable. Pregnant women will notice that many of their stretch marks will fade within the first year after you have given birth.

What can you do to prevent stretch marks?

How to Treat Stretch Marks on the Inner Thighs During PregnancyThere is no magical or special cream that will eliminate or prevent your chances of getting stretch marks. The best thing you can do to prevent stretch marks is to maintain your weight during pregnancy.

Remember that putting on weight too fast is one of the leading causes of stretch marks.

So speak with your physician about having a plan to gain weight in a steady, but consistent way to prevent stressing the skin.

How to treat stretch marks once you have them?

The best thing you can do is keep your skin moisturized and supple. Eat a healthy diet to promote skin regeneration and healing. If your stretch marks continue to bother you, speak with your dermatologist to see what other treatment options are available to you. Laser sessions and pharmaceutical creams are alternative ways to help fade and diminish your stretch marks.

As your stretch marks heals, you can also mask the marks, especially if you will be wearing an outfit that will expose them. A sunless tanner can help you to make the stretch marks match the rest of your skin. Also when out on the beach or in the sun in general, make sure to apply sunscreen. You don’t want any sun damage to the scar tissue.

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